Returns Policy

No Hassle Returns

If for any reason we have made a mistake with the personalisation or there is a faulty product, we will ensure that the mistake is resolved immediately. Please notify us via the Contact Us option on our website within 14 days of the order date. We will cover all costs for the returns of the product and replace it instantly.

If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will rectify the situation. For this the item must be returned in its original, unused condition, within 14 days of the order date. Please notify us via the Contact Us option on our website and we will provide details on how to return it. Once received we will issue a credit note or exchange for a product of the same value. Delivery charges will not be refunded and we cannot cover the cost of return postage.

Gifting? No problem.

  • Prices are not included with our orders
  • Every order includes a gift card so be sure to write your message in ‘order notes’ if you would like us to write this on the card
  • All orders can be delivered direct to the recipient, just tick ‘ship to a different
    address’ and enter the details for this